A Smoky Martini made with Scotch Whisky is just the tipple to celebrate Burns Night!

A Smoky Martini made with Scotch Whisky is just the tipple to celebrate Burns Night!

Raise a toast to beloved Scottish poet Robert “Rabbie” Burns this Burns’ Night - held each year on the anniversary of his birthday, 25th January - with this delicious Smoky Martini!

This simple but powerful twist on the traditional recipe replaces vermouth with - what else? - Scotch whisky to go in with your gin. Either blended or a single malt Scotch will work equally well, and will result in quite a different flavour for your martini, depending on which you choose. Here at Craft Gin Club, we love the really intense flavour of a smokier whiskey in this two-ingredient drink - but half the fun is testing which one you prefer!

This strong, smooth cocktail is the perfect accompaniment to your haggis, neeps and tatties, and more than one may well result in some lively Scottish dancing and a vigorous rendition of Auld Lang Syne!


Smoky Martini

50ml gin (London Dry)
5ml Scotch whisky
Lemon peel, to garnish
Optional extra: Dash or two of bitters

Chill your martini glass in the fridge at least half an hour before mixing your drink. Pour your gin and whisky into a mixing glass and top with ice. (If using, add a dash or two of bitters - Angostura or similar- at this point.) Stir, then strain the mixture into your chilled cocktail glass. Twist your lemon peel over the drink to release the oils and essence, then pop the garnish in your drink and serve.

Why not serve your Smoky Martini as part of a full Burns’ Night supper? Find out all about this fantastic Scottish celebration and how to celebrate in style on the website.