Try these 6 classic vodka cocktails with gin for a sensational new take on your favourite tipple!

Try these 6 classic vodka cocktails with gin for a sensational new take on your favourite tipple!

Ever wondered what the difference is between vodka and gin? Well, in terms of flavour at least, vodka is designed to be a clear and neutral spirit. In other words, traditional vodka is meant to be basically flavourless! As such, the vodka in your cocktail tends to simply take on the flavour of the other ingredients (and add a boozy kick, of course).

Gin, on the other hand, must - legally - contain juniper as its main botanical; this alone adds a piney base note of flavour to any gin. Most also use a combination of multiple other herbs, flowers, plants or spices as additional botanicals, which create a unique flavour profile for each gin. It’s what makes gin so versatile and why exploring all the different craft gins out there is a lifetime’s adventure!

How does this affect your cocktails? Well, chosen wisely, the extra layers of natural flavour in gin, thanks to the botanicals, can really complement and enhance the taste of your favourite tipple! Try one of these classic vodka cocktails with gin and see what we mean. Happy experimenting, gin lovers!

6 classic vodka cocktails made with gin:

(Gin) Cosmopolitan

Made famous by Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda as they celebrated their love lives with laughter and cocktails throughout the Sex and the City series, the Cosmo can be made even more delicious by replacing the vodka with gin!

Cosmopolitan cocktail with gin and vodka

A Ginny Cosmo is a fabulous twist on your usual Cosmopolitan cocktail

45ml gin
35ml triple sec
15ml lime juice
30ml cranberry juice

Combine all ingredients in a pint glass over ice and stir thoroughly. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with a lime wedge.

If you like the sound of this, why not take a look at our easy recipe for a Cranberry Martini?

Ginny Bloody Mary, A.K.A a Red Snapper

The ultimate brunch tipple, the Bloody Mary can be easily transformed into a Red Snapper - the original predecessor of this staple weekend drink - by swapping the double measure of vodka for gin!

Bloody Mary and Red Snapper gin and vodka cocktails

Add whatever combination of spices and garnishes you like to your gin-based Red Snapper cocktail

45ml gin
60ml tomato juice
20ml lemon juice
Tabasco or chilli sauce, to taste
15ml Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper

Combine all ingredients in a large glass. Add ice and stir to chill. Garnish with a celery stalk, lemon wedge, salt and fresh cracked pepper. 

For a more delicate - but equally delicious - gin and tomato cocktail, have you tried a Tomatini?


In all fairness, we’ve cheated here, as gin was the original spirit used in a Martini! The vodka martini has become somewhat more common these days, and while that combination is certainly tasty, we believe that a gin martini brings a depth of flavour that you don’t get with its sister drink, with the help of our little chums: the juniper berries.

A classic gin martini can be as ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ as you like

A classic gin martini can be as ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ as you like

40ml gin
10ml dry Vermouth

Stir ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled Martini glass. Garnish with an olive or a lemon twist.

This is, of course, a mere suggestion as to how to have your Martini! Here’s our full guide to creating your own perfect Martini, plus five different twists on the classic recipe for you to try at home.

Moscow Mule, A.K.A a Gin Gin Mule

A popular cocktail in the summer, thanks to its refreshing and zingy taste, the Moscow Mule becomes the Gin Gin Mule - with added zing!

A Gin Gin Mule is a deliciously zingy and refreshing drink in summer

A Gin Gin Mule is a deliciously zingy and refreshing drink in summer

50ml gin
15ml simple syrup
15ml lime juice
25ml ginger beer
handful of mint leaves

Muddle the mint leaves and syrup at the bottom of a shaker. Pour in the gin and half a cup of ice and shake until cold. Add in the ginger beer and stir, gently (if fizzy). Fill a Collins glass or a traditional copper Moscow Mule cup (pictured) with ice (or crushed ice, if you prefer), then pour in the liquid. Garnish with a couple of sprigs of mint and a wedge of lime.

Fancy trying more gin and ginger beer recipes? Check these easy ideas out!

Espresso Martini

The espresso martini is another evergreen favourite with all the vodka-sipping fans out there. Now it’s time to meet the gin-based version of this classic!


25ml cold espresso
15ml coffee liqueur
40ml gin
Sprinkle of ground nutmeg or chocolate and a few coffee beans, to garnish

Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, then add your espresso, coffee liqueur and gin. Shake well - the longer you shake, the better your foamy topping will be! Pour into a martini or coupe cocktail glass. Sprinkle with a little ground nutmeg or chocolate, and decorate with a few coffee beans. Serve immediately!

Looking for a tasty twist on the espresso martini? Try this Gingerbread Espresso Martini!


Get your hit of vitamin C (and gin) by swapping out the vodka in your Screwdriver for gin... you'll soon be sipping on gin and juice!


45ml gin (a citrus-led gin is ideal)
180ml freshly squeezed orange juice
Fresh orange slices, to garnish

Combine gin and orange juice in a highball glass and stir to combine. Add ice. Garnish with a slice or two of fresh orange. Use blood oranges for even more colour and flavour.

For more gin and orange cocktail recipes, check out these ideas!