Now, we all know that receiving ANY parcel in the post can be exciting - but a parcel containing an extra special craft gin, tonics, mixers, garnish, and sweet and savoury snacks really does take the top spot!
Our gin-thusiastic members are here to share the joy of delivery day with us each month and it couldn’t make us happier!
Can’t wait until October’s gin box delivery day? Mark your calendars, folks, as October’s Gin of the Month box will begin to land with members from Friday 4th October 2019!
Not due to receive October’s box? There’s still time to upgrade and treat yourself to a ginny box of autumnal joy!
Now, without further ado, check out these LEGENDARY #GinBoxSelfie winners and runners up from September 2019!
Cheryl’s hubby was in charge of being at home to receive their September Gin of the Month box and couldn’t resist a celebratory #GinBoxSelfie when it arrived! Good work!
“Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Chloe L, and her black and white cat!”
Craft Gin Club member, Chloe’s amazing postie (and yes his name really is Pat!) joined in the fun of box delivery day this month!
Look at the JOY on Sophie N-K’s face!! We’re pretty sure this is representative of a lot of our members’ faces on box delivery day!
Sometimes you’ve just got to get to the door and collect your Gin of the Month box as quickly as you can - and that was certainly the case for member, Gem, here!
Another wonderful postman and another wonderful #GinBoxSelfie from Julie S!
A gin box delivery morning is simply the best and we’re pretty sure Sophie M here would agree!