Craft Gin Club scoops ANOTHER honour! (Stop it, we're blushing)

Craft Gin Club scoops ANOTHER honour! (Stop it, we're blushing)

No, YOU’RE the best… no, YOU are… oh okay, if you insist… WE are! Hurrah!

Yes, here at Craft Gin Club HQ we’re cracking open the gin for a celebratory cocktail (or two) and we hope all you lovely members will join us as we bask in the glow of yet another official pat on the back from industry experts.

It is with enormous pride that we can announce that Craft Gin Club has been named as one of the inaugural 2022 FEBE Growth 100, an annual list and awards that “shines a light on the finest and fastest-growing privately owned businesses in the country, where the founder or founders are still involved”.

As the FEBE website explains, there are 4.2m private companies in the UK and just 1% or 45,000 of these are considered ‘high growth’. We are thrilled to be among that elite 1%!

The honour comes in the footsteps of a number of exciting previous wins, including the Food and Drink People’s Choice Award 2021 , a major gong at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2021, our inclusion in the Sunday Times Fast Track 100 “Ones to Watch” list, and not forgetting our inclusion in Hello! magazine’s ultimate ranking of the top five most successful businesses ever to come out of Dragon’s Den!

Jon and John, the two founders of Craft Gin Club, with Sarah Willingham, our investor from Dragons Den.

Craft Gin Club founders, Jon Hulme and John Burke, celebrating with Sarah Willingham, our ‘Dragon’s Den’ investor

Of course, as well as our incredibly hard-working team, we would be nowhere without the support of our gin-credible community of Craft Gin Clubbers across the UK, who are really the ones responsible for helping us become one of the top 100 fastest-growing companies around.

So, to all of our gin-loving members: we love you and a massive thank-you from us here at Craft Gin Club! We are so excited to see where this gin-loving journey will take us in the next year. Time for a G&T? Of course!


Craft Gin Club’s rapid rise: a timeline!

Strap in folks - here’s how we went from just 5 members to being the #1 gin club in the UK!

A bottle of gin and two cocktails

Our Gin of the Month from May 2020, with the Perfect G&T and Cocktail of the Month

November 2014: Craft Gin Club is born!

Craft Gin Club’s first ever box gets sent out… to a whopping 5 members!

The box only contained one bottle of gin (the Burleigh’s London Dry Gin, for Craft Gin Club nerds!) Clearly it was popular, though, as the Club quickly grew to include hundreds - and then thousands - of members.

July 2016: There be Dragons!

Craft Gin Club founders John and Jon appear on the BBC television show Dragons' Den - and win the backing of successful London Cocktail Club entrepreneur and Craft Gin Club member Sarah Willingham!

Sarah remains a closely involved member of our Club today. (Photo: BBC)

November 2018: WINNERS!

Craft Gin Club co-founders Jon Hulme (left) and John Burke (right).

Craft Gin Club co-founders Jon Hulme (left) and John Burke (right).

Craft Gin Club wins the People's Champion gong at the Startups Awards 2018!

We were thrilled to receive the winning number of votes for this award, and to hear the officials’ comments, which included praise for our “excellent boxes” and described our victory as “undeniably deserved”.

December 2018: The ultimate compliment?

The Sunday Times Fast Track 100 league table logo

Copyright The Sunday Times

We were blown away to be named as one of the prestigious list of Sunday Times' Fast Track 100 "Ones to Watch" 2018!

It was a huge vote of confidence in the quality of the service we provide for our members to have such a respected business authority give us the seal of approval!

June 2019: A new community comes to life

Our brand-new Facebook Group, Craft Gin Clubbers, launches with a bang. This fantastic community of gin lovers - counting Craft Gin Club members and non-members alike - now has some 33,000 busy, gin-loving members - wow! You’ll find them in the Group at all times of day and night, posting gin-related tips, cocktail recipes, jokes, photos and recommendations for everyone to enjoy.

Everyone is welcome to join in the fun online so come and check out the group if you’re not already part of the gang!

November 2019: The name’s Bond… Gin Bond

Craft Gin Club launches an ambitious Gin Bond and smashes its investment target, generating over £1.6 million from hundreds of gin-loving investors around the UK. That money is funnelled back into the Club to make it even bigger and better, helping us to more than double the size of our business in a few short years - all while paying our investors returns, in cash and in gin boxes. It’s a gin-gin situation!

October 2020: From 0 to 100… 100,000, that is!

Two gin glasses clinking and text saying "We've reached 100,000 members!"

Craft Gin Club welcomes our 100,000th member!

We were absolutely thrilled to have clocked up such a huge community of gin-loving followers across the UK, and in such a short space of time.

Not yet part of the Club? Wondering what 100,000 (well, more like 120,000 these days, to be honest!) people are making such a fuss about every month? Don’t let us tell you, check out our reviews! We’re proud to say we’ve got a stellar rating of 4.9 stars out 5, from over 5500 independent reviews on

April 2021: We can be heroes

Founders of Craft Gin Club, John Burke and Jon Hulme, win the prestigious People’s Choice Award at the Food & Drink Heroes awards!

Nearly 100 founders and co-founders of 66 businesses were nominated across 11 categories, with winners determined by a panel of entrepreneurial and industry experts who assessed finalists’ entrepreneurial stories.

The People’s Choice Award was decided by a public vote on the full shortlist, which brought Craft Gin Club out on top. Hurrah!

December 2021: Another win for gin!

Two copa glasses with people cheersing

Jon and John scoop a Service Industries Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2021. We are named one of the one of the 2021 Regional Winners and everyone here at Craft Gin Club HQ gleams with pride.

June 2022: Gin Bond 2 is go!

We launch our second Gin Bond and are thrilled to raise more than £1.4 million in the first two weeks alone. You can find out more about Gin Bond 2 and how we hope to use our investors’ support to grow the Club here.

June 2022: We’re gonna need a bigger trophy cabinet

Clear some space on that gin shelf, because we’ve got ourselves another accolade: a spot on the FEBE Growth 100 list of fastest-growing private businesses where the founders are still involved. It’s a real hat-tip and we couldn’t be more grateful to both the organisers of the awards and, of course, our wonderful Clubbers and their ever-growing support.

We think it’s time for a G&T after all that, don’t you? Cheers!