Meet the White Russian's gin-spiked cocktail cousin: the Orange Russian!

Meet the White Russian's gin-spiked cocktail cousin: the Orange Russian!

You've heard of a 'White Russian'? Well, meet her ginny cousin: the 'Orange Russian'! Yes, we took inspiration from the original ice-white queen of creamy cocktails and swopped out the vodka for gin, and added a few new delicious elements.

Now, orange and coffee may not be a flavour combination you’ve tried before, but do please trust us here: it works brilliantly. If you like Irish cream liqueurs like Baileys, this gin cocktail should definitely be next on your hit-list!

For the coffee liqueur, Tia Maria works really well - but a brand like Kahlua works just as well, particularly if you have a sweet tooth. We love this cocktail for its quick assembly, which means it’s perfect for when you’ve got impromptu guests knocking at the door… Cheers!

The Orange Russian is a delicious alternative to an Irish cream-based cocktail

The Orange Russian is a delicious alternative to an Irish cream-based cocktail

Orange Russian

20ml gin
15ml coffee liqueur
15ml triple sec, like Cointreau
50ml cream

Fill a rocks glass (or small tumbler) with ice - the larger the cubes, the better. Add all your ingredients and stir until combined. Garnish with a fresh slice of orange and serve immediately.

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