Every month our members crack out the dictionaries and turn to the back of their Ginned! Magazine, where a fresh Gin O'Clock Crossword offers them the chance to win a whole month of gin for free!
With April's amazing gin due to arrive with members in less than a week, it's time to unveil the whip-smart winner of March's ma-gin-cal crossword competition. The winner is...
Kate from London!
A big congratulations to Kate and Poppy, her partner in crime! Enjoy your free gin!
Fancy a chance to win your next Gin of the Month box for free? Get those pencils ready and turn to page 23 of April's Ginned! Magazine, where a fresh crossword awaits. Send a clear photo of your completed April Gin O'Clock to members@craftginclub.co.uk by Monday 24 April to be in with a chance of winning!